➤ Fayetteville: The U.S. Army Airborne & Special Operations Museum’s “Field of Honor” exhibit features flags representing soldiers who are currently serving, who served in the past, and who lost their lives defending our country. (See Details)
➤ Rodanthe: Officials are scrambling to save a stretch of homes along Cape Hatteras National Seashore that may collapse into the ocean due to beach erosion. (More)
➤ Chapel Hill: A symbolic stair climb at UNC’s Kenan Stadium Wednesday honored those who died on Sept. 11, 2001. Students, faculty, and other community members participated. (See Photos)
➤ Durham: Duke University reversed a decision to make student ID DukeCards fully digital after the university failed to get it approved as an acceptable photo ID by the North Carolina Board of Elections. (More)
➤ Raleigh: A man’s body was found in a Food Lion supply freezer Tuesday. Since then, an investigation revealed he suffered from a medical emergency the night before he was found. (More)
➤ Clayton: A six-year I-40 widening project designed to ease traffic between Raleigh and Johnston County is nearing completion, with five lanes now fully open both ways. (More)