Tuesday, October 29, 2024

The Roundup

Article Icon 1Election Watch: Superintendent Showdown

A nurse and homeschool teacher is taking on a former Guilford County Schools superintendent in the race for North Carolina’s superintendent of public instruction.

Republican candidate Michele Morrow has been endorsed by the Right to Life PAC and Return America. She believes public schools have become “indoctrination centers” and vows to “get the wokeness out of schools.”

Democratic candidate Maurice “Mo” Green has been endorsed by former North Carolina Gov. Bev Perdue, former state superintendent June Atkinson, and the N.C. Association of Educators. He supports investing in public schools, increasing teachers’ pay, and enhancing school safety.

Both candidates debated on Oct. 14. Watch it here.

Early voting update: As of Monday morning, 2,820,002 North Carolinians had voted, with Republicans casting 34.1% of the votes, Democrats casting 33.3%, and unaffiliated voters casting 32.6%.

Article Icon 1Presidential Campaigns Return to NC

Both presidential campaigns are spending time campaigning in North Carolina during this final week before the Nov. 5 election.

Former President Donald Trump will host a rally at the Rocky Mount Event Center Wednesday at 1 p.m. Doors open at 9 a.m.

Also Wednesday, Vice President Kamala Harris will host a rally in Raleigh at 9 a.m., with the location being disclosed to confirmed guests only.

Harris’ running mate, Gov. Tim Walz, will speak in Charlotte and Greensboro Wednesday before addressing supporters in Asheville later that evening. Locations have not yet been announced.

Article Icon 1Senator Pushes for Jockey’s Ridge Protection

N.C. Sen. Bobby Hanig (R) is on a mission to get house approval for reinstating Jockey’s Ridge State Park as an Area of Environmental Concern in the upcoming session, which convenes Nov. 19.

House Bill 426—already passed by the N.C. Senate—would designate the tallest active sand dune along the Atlantic Coast as a unique geological formation that should require a permit for any development greater than 10 cubic yards of sand per year.

The bill would also require that development not significantly alter or retard the free movement of sand there (with some exceptions), and that any sand removed be deposited in designated park areas.

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The Flyover

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Around North Carolina

Nags Head: Kitty Hawk Kites 8th Annual Brewtag attracted 2,000 spectators who watched teams launch kegs of beer strapped to gliders. Team Flying High’s 130-foot flight won the competition, but didn’t break last year’s 179-foot record. (See Photos)

Raleigh: Music for the Mountains, a benefit concert held at Red Hat Amphitheater Sunday, raised $1,104,000 for Hurricane Helene relief efforts. (More)

Shelby: The iconic Red Bridges Barbecue Lodge has closed indefinitely due to damage from a Thursday night fire. (More)

Asheville: Running water has been restored to the area, but officials have not indicated when it will be safe to drink again. (More)

Bat Cave: West Virginia coal miners moved a mountain in just three days to reopen a 2.7-mile stretch of U.S. 64 between Bat Cave and Chimney Rock. (More)

Durham: Two unrelated shootings occurred at N.C. Central University Saturday, with one resulting in four people receiving non-life-threatening gunshot wounds. (See Details)

North Carolina Sports

The Carolina Hurricanes are on a three-game winning streak and goalie Frederik Andersen is a huge reason why. He started four of the Hurricanes’ seven games and leads the NHL in save percentage. (More)

➤ Carolina Panthers head coach Dave Canales would not commit to a starting quarterback for next week, saying, “We’ll look at all the information … and then we’ll have an answer for you.” (More)

➤ Duke basketball destroyed Arizona State 107-56 in a preseason exhibition game. Seventeen-year-old Cooper Flagg racked up nine points, three assists, and four rebounds. (More)

Yesterday’s Results: NFL | MLB NBA | NHL | MLS

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North Carolina Business

The North Carolina Farm Bureau filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Labor stating it doesn’t have the authority to require unionizing since that is the job of Congress, which left the decision up to the states. (See Details)

Cary’s first mixed-income housing development broke ground Monday. It will consist of 126 new unit rentals, a new greenway, and a public road. (More)

Avelo Airlines announced one-way nonstop flights from Concord-Padget Regional Airport to Lakeland International Airport in Florida for just $46. (See Details)

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Et Cetera

A new map that displays wine consumption per state reveals North Carolinians consume .49 gallons of wine per capita. (See Map)

A Pinehurst family is on a mission to run a 5K in all 50 states within 50 days. They’ll complete their journey in Hawaii by the end of the month. (More)

A Christmas ‘Colonial Apparition’ cruise on the Cape Fear River scheduled for Dec. 15 will introduce passengers to a ghostly presence with ties to the Revolutionary War. (Purchase Tickets)

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➤ Naturally cleanse your lungs in just three days! OmniBreathe is an all-natural supplement that helps cleanse and detoxify your lungs. It clears mucus buildup, strengthens bronchial health, and makes breathing easier for anyone suffering from congestion, allergies, or the effects of smoking. (See It Here)
The Poll

Do you prefer red or white wine?

  1. Red
  2. White
  3. Neither

Yesterdays Results:

Have you ever been to Corolla to see the wild horses?

  1. Yes: 31.9%
  2. No: 43.8%
  3. I plan to someday: 24.2%
North Carolina Trivia

Why was the city of Raleigh named for Sir Walter Raleigh?

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