Question: What happened to the crew of the Carroll A. Deering schooner?
Answer: It’s a mystery that remains unsolved to this day! On the morning of Jan. 31, 1921, the lookout man at Hatteras Inlet Station reported that the five-masted schooner had run aground on the outer shoals. Further investigation revealed that the vessel had been stripped of all boats and a ladder had been hung over the side. There was no sign of life. Some wondered if pirates had taken over the ship. All of its papers, nautical instruments, and good clothing were missing.
Days later a bottle washed ashore at Buxton containing a message scrawled onto a soiled piece of paper with the following message:
“Deering captured by oil burning boat something like chaser. Taking off everything Handcuffing crew. Crew hiding all over ship. No chance to make escape. Finder please notify headqts. Deering.”
Three deserted cats found below deck may be the only creatures that know what happened to the crew of this mystery ship.